Sorry to dig up an old post, but some advice to reservists considering deployment.. Get your teeth checked out by a civvies dentist well before you start predeployment training!
I had my teeth checked a couple years back by my civvies dentist, when the wisdom teeth seemed to be growing in ok, but could still go either way. I'm on predeployment now, and the base dentist told me I need 3 of them out to be deployable (they're partially impacted), which is a pain in the arse for a reservist, since they can't do it on base. I needed to go to my civvie dentist to have them re-take x-rays and then refer me to an oral surgeon to do the work. I was told that it can take 3-4 months to get this booking. Luckily, they were very accommodating to my plight and managed to squeeze me in, so this Monday I'm getting them yanked.
The bummer is that I have to foot the bill myself now, as I'm on class B, and I can't get class C until I DAG green, and these teeth are the only thing stopping that now. Luckily the Reserve Dental Plan (check it out, reservists!) should cover 90% of the procedure, so the hit on my wallet won't be too big.
Moral of the story.. Make sure you have your teeth sorted out if you're considering deployment! It will save you a headache later on.