
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

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Some businesses we know
Cannect Home Equity Loans
1006 King St W, Toronto, ON M6K 3N2
(416) 214-9000
Cannect Home Financing Mortgage Broker
81 Navy Wharf Ct, Toronto, ON M5V 3S3
(416) 766-2666
Cannect Private Mortgages & Small Business Loans
33 Gladstone Ave, Toronto, ON M6J 3K7
(416) 766-2666
Uptown Yonge Dental
2717 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4N 2H8
(416) 487-3333
Atlantis Pools & Spas
23550 Highbury Ave N, London, ON N0M 1P0
(519) 471-2058
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Cheers Mike
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Hello, For armored nvm/officers and infantry ncm/officers, is hunting encouraged if living on base? Do you still need to get deer tags or is it open season haha  I know this may be a silly question but I am just trying to see what the attitude is like about this on bases.
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I just accepted a CT to 2 RCR from Pres and have never worked with 2RCR/been to gagetown. I have been on a few Reg force exercises with 1 RCR and have a basic understanding of the life/culture there such as stay away from Dukes coy like the plague. What can I look forward to and what can I dread about my new life in 2 RCR? How does living in Gagetown compare to other bases?
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February 28, 2017, 15:31:34 by Prelude
Hey not sure if this is the best forum for the question but anyway, just wondering what D&S or camp security entails overseas. Thanks in advance
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February 20, 2017, 01:54:17 by kod006
Good day, everyone,
I am trying to make decision and decide whether I want to be a Vehicle Tech or Medical Assistant in Reserved. By the way, I have a V4 vision. Can any experienced members give me advice about that?
1. As a reserve which of these two occupations will give me opportunity to travel (either within Canada or other countries) and explore?
2. As a reserve, which of these two occupations will give me opportunity to work on combat skills or roll out with combat units on the field?
3. If I ever decide to leave the Force one day and want to travel and work aboard, which of these two occupations will help me as a skilled worker?
Thank You!
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Hello all. I have been in the reserves for just over a year. I am trying to find out how to access my pay stub information. I have been told there is a website I need to access. I also heard it can be emailed.
Can any give me any further info of how to get this information.
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Once upon a time we knew what to do. A British district officer, coming upon a scene of suttee, was told by the locals that in Hindu culture it was the custom to cremate a widow on her husband's funeral pyre. He replied that in British culture it was the custom to hang chaps who did that sort of thing. There are many great things about India - curry, pyjamas, sitars, software engineers -- but suttee was not one of them. What a pity we're no longer capable of being 'judgmental' and 'discriminating'.
- Mark Steyn
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