West NSR Recruiting
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Recruiting for the West Nova Scotia Regiment

Enrolement Requirements


  1. Must be a Canadian Citizen.
  2. must have at least grade 12, preferably a University Degree.
  3. Must not have a criminal record or any outstanding judicial requirements such as fines, probations, etc.
  4. Must be 17 years of age.
  5. Must be medically fit for the trade.
  6. Must meet test standards.

Other Ranks

  1. Must be a Canadian Citizen.
  2. Must have at least grade 10.
  3. Mst not have a criminal record or any outstanding judicial requirements such as fines, probation, etc.
  4. Must be 17 years of age (or to turn before enrolled).
  5. Must be medically fit for the trade.
  6. Must meet test standards.

For further information about the West Nova Scotia Regiment contact the Recruiting Staff at MTSC Aldershot. They can be reached on Thursday evenings between 7 and 10 pm at 678-7930, ext 121.


2 Platoon and Regimental Headquarters
MTSC Aldershot
P.O. Box 158
Nova Scotia
B3N 3W4
902-678-7930 (Ext 109)

1 Platoon
Middleton Armouries
Middleton, NS

3 Platoon
Fort Edward Armouries
Windsor, NS

Please call or stop in to the nearest location on any Thursday from 1900-2200 (7:00pm to 10:00pm) for more information, or to start the enrollment process.

All written correspondence is to be sent to the Regimental Headquarters, MTSC Aldershot.

Every year candidates arrive expecting to be enrolled and trained as Infantry soldiers, but have done little preparation of their own ... especially in respect to their personal fitness. As a result they cannot keep up with the rigours of daily physical training and field exercises. They fall back, they develop stress injuries, some quit. some are sent home for medical reasons due to their injuries. Others are given falling grades because they lack the necessary stamina to succeed in the infantry. This is particularly regrettable when they demonstrate the potential to be successful otherwise. In many cases, prior knowledge of the training with an emphasis on individual physical preparation can prevent the loss of a potential soldier.

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Today in Military History

January 2


SEOUL, effective dates for battle honour begin (to 4 Jan 51)

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