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So you want to be in the Army?

Enrolement Requirements


  1. Must be a Canadian Citizen.
  2. Must have have a University Degree or University enterence level courses and marks.
  3. Must be free of any Legal Obligations (fines, probations, etc).
  4. Must be 16 years of age with parental consent for Primary Reserves or 17 with parental consent for the Regular Force. (Note: Applicants to the RMC Jr program may be 16.)
  5. Must be medically fit for the trade.
  6. Must meet test standards.

Other Ranks

  1. Must be a Canadian Citizen.
  2. Must have at least grade 10, grade 12 preferred.
  3. Must be free of any Legal Obligations (fines, probations, etc).
  4. Must be 16 years of age (or to turn before enrolled) with parental consent for Primary Reserves or 17 with parental consent for the Regular Force.
  5. Must be medically fit for the trade.
  6. Must meet test standards.


  1. For answers to common questions, check the Recruiting FAQ.
  2. Still have questions? Ask them in the Recruiting Forums.
  3. The Official Canadian Forces Recruiting Site
  4. Visit the Canadian Forces Recruiting, Education and Training System (CFRETS) Home Page.

For more information, please contact your local Recruiting Centre. Check the Yellow Pages under "Recruiting", or call 1-800-856-8488 for your local recruiting centre.

Today in Military History

February 28


Relief of Ladysmith


Emergency decree suspends civil liberties in Germany


German counter-attack against Anzio beachhead

Photo of the Moment
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