The Assault Troop in the old-school Recce Sqn had 84mm. They could certainly conduct tank-hunting/anti-armour ambushes in close terrain. I think that is were the Carl G DNA strand in the Recce Tp Leader QS comes from. If anyone has the old Recce Sqn in battle it might have some clues.
- I've moved houses and offices several times since I was a Recce Sqn OC: I kept a copy of the old Recce Sqn in Battle to stay grounded. I have a vague idea where it might be...In the meantime, my vintage copy of the 1st Canadian Division Reconnaissance Regiment SOPs (bit of a Coelacanth) has one 84m with each M113 in the Sqns (so four in Assault Troop, four in Ech and one in SHQ).
In a Screen, Assault Troop employing 84mm were the only real viable integral option for counter-reconnaissance. Not that counter-recce was a big deal, but Assault Troop conducting ambushes in close terrain/defiles was a COA.
Hopefully some folks have the old books in their basement barracks boxes.