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Borden schools?

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Are the schools in Borden running qualification courses at this time or with covid is that a stand still? I have not been keeping very up to date with provinces outside my own.


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Totally an outsider here but a friend was on course last Fall. They were broken into cohorts for isolation and because the course was time-compressed and the usual recreation and other amenities were closed, he found it both intense and boring at the same time. Things may be different now. A lot of the base rules seem to be driven, or at least guided, by local PHU rules and we just came out of lockdown into red.
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Thanks for the response. I was kind of hoping you would say they were not. I recently just went sup res to Pres and because my former trade is now two different trades I have to redo occupational training. At my full time job I am filing someone's maternity position so I can't really risk being away that long, I will be fired I am sure.... FML