Militia Reserves Questions
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Posted by Brendan Derry from On Canada on October 14, 2021 at 20:29:45:
As I approach my 17th birthday, I look forward to joining the Militia Reserves and helping to serve my country. I also grow anxious about getting in. I am in good shape physically, which comes from running 8K a day, but I wonder about the "small aptitude test" described on the enlistment forms. My question is: is the test very difficult? Is there anyway to prepare for it? I am in grade 12, and currently maintain an honours average at the advanced level, but still my usual dislike of tests has me concerned.
My second question is pure curiousity. Just what does one do in the reserves? Is time spent training on small arms, is it mostly parade, theory or what? Any light shed on this would be appreciated.
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