Presumably, the decision a while back that CIL offrs should be considered as members of the Reserves was made in order to ensure that they were subject to service discipline.However, it irked me simply because I felt it would eventually discredit and bring dishonour to the rest of the Canadian Forces (i.e. when stories like this appear in the news - it makes it look as if he was a real military officer, vice a CIL loser wannabe pervert ...).
It's a shame this guy will end up in a civvie prison instead of Edmonton ... ("two years less a day").
WARNING - news item follows:
Wednesday, June 6, 2021
Ex-major admits sex assaults
MORE THAN 20 years after he sexually assaulted seven cadets, a one-time Canadian Armed Forces Major yesterday said he was sorry.
Roger Guilbault, 55, of Chelsea, pleaded guilty to the charges on March 8.
During a sentencing hearing yesterday, Guilbault bowed his head on the stand and told the court he regretted his actions.
With his wife and two daughters sitting behind him, the former member of the Army reserves began his apology.
"I would very much like to go back in time and erase the harm that I have done," he said in French. "I ask for the forgiveness of all of the victims that I have harmed and I want them to know that they are not to blame for the actions that I have committed."
At various times from 1972 to 1981, Guilbault inappropriately touched seven cadets between the ages of 13 to 16. In the case of four of the victims, there was mutual masturbation.
Many of the episodes took place on camping outings around Quebec. Guilbault supervised cadet meetings once a week where other incidents occurred.
The accusations surfaced in 1999, when a formal complaint was made to police. Guilbault, who worked under contract, has since lost his job. One of his victims is also suing him for $2 million.
Guilbault said he has received psychiatric help and insisted to his lawyer, Michel Swanston, that he would never again repeat the criminal actions.
"Seeing all the harm that it might have done to the victims, to my family and to myself, it is impossible that I reoffend," he said.
A letter written by Guilbault's wife was read in court in which she said that although the accusations have brought unspeakable hurt to the family, she and her daughters would continue to support Guilbault.
Swanston quoted a report from his client's therapist, which predicted that it was almost impossible that Guilbault would reoffend and urged that he be given a conditional sentence of two years less a day, to be served in the community.
The Crown said Guilbault's role as an authority figure made the crime all the more severe, and suggested he be sentenced to two years less a day in jail.