Re: Unneccesary Pomp/useful bandies

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Posted by Mary Harrison (Cpl for life) from Canada on November 17, 2021 at 20:40:58:

In Reply to: Re: Unneccesary Pomp/usefull bandies posted by Andy on November 16, 2021 at 21:52:19:

The C Scot R band is made up of volunteers now. What a shame, really. The band guys were also trained infanteers a decade ago, now they let musicians in the band, not just soldiers. As in any trade (other than infantry), aren't you a soldier first and a tradesman second?

Not to say that some of the guys in the band aren't also infanteers, but because it's no longer a trade that someone can join up into (like sup tech, medic, or armoured recce), some of the history of the unit has been lost.

I'm all for pomp and ceremony. The Malahat band was disbanded (no pun intended), but within 5 years it was brought back again - the Navy realized the cost of good PR outweighed the cost of the band itself. If we could cull the costs of the budget from the nitwits in Ottawa and apply it where it counts, maybe we could all be happy - pomp, ceremony, new toys for the soldier who walks behind the band (or in front, whatever), AND a public appreciation that lasts for more than a couple of hours every November 11th.

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