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Re: 3PPCLI to lose Airborne Capability

At 23:35 25/02/2021 -0600, Gordan Dundas wrote:
>What we could really use is an airborne brigade plus a couple of light
>brigades to go with our three mech infantry brigades.
>But since we barly have enough airlift for a battalion it's not likely to
>is it?
It's that giddy pre-budget time: might as well dream. 
This ties in with a recent conversation I had, pleasing but not realistic,
about what we could do with five brigades. The results, after a couple of
pints, were:
1 CMBG	Heavy armour 			Edmonton/Wainwright
2 CBG		Light/airborne			Petawawa
3 CBG		Shoreline ops			Gagetown/Aldershot
4 CBG		Arctic and mountain warfare	Chilliwack
5 CBG		Heliborne ops			Valcartier
A doctrinal dog's breakfast, but not all that different from what the Dutch
do. The concept would be that militia in each army area (LFWA/2) would
train to either augment or to expand to replicate their corresponding
regular army unit. 
Patrick Cain
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