Leadership et al

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Posted by Jules Deschenes from Canada on March 07, 2021 at 11:44:37:

I don't know how many times in the passed year that I have heard people from to rank of Cpl all the way to LCol say "That wasn't very professional", That was inappropriate" etc etc. What is leadership? Simply it is taking care the people in your charge. It is leading by example. George Washington slept in the field and ate, what there was, with his men. General Dextraze (ex CDS) was another of these leaders. His soldiers got what they needed before he got his. he ate in the field and slept in the field. Today you have piss ants that direct from a comfy location. I remember asking a course senior if we (collectively) could have a meeting to plan strategy for an upcoming outdoor ex. I explained that some of us wanted to discuss how we could help one another through this. Her response was "I won't have my leadership skills challenged". That evening she convinced two fellow students to write me up. The next day I was QUAD red chitted. For "not helping my peers".
The officers (regular Dick Traceys) didn't think there was anything wrong with this even after I spoke to the allegations. Tell me about leadership. These three peckerwoods outright lied about me and they now all have their commissions. They'll probably make general someday.

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