Re: Veh Tech or Field Eng.?
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Posted by Magoo (Mr.) from Montreal QC Canada on August 17, 2021 at 11:09:00:
In Reply to: Re: Veh Tech or Field Eng.? posted by Mark R on August 16, 2021 at 17:15:12:
Remusters are a fact of life in our Army. People remuster
from one trade to another for many good reasons. Generally,
the policy of the Army has been to keep good people and if
possible to allow them a new trade if requested. You apply
through your chain-of-command and are interviewed and tested
by the Personnel Selection Officer, a recommendation is made,
a board sits in the gaining trade and personnel hoping to
enter that trade are selected. It's not a sure thing, as
personnel requirements vary from year to year, trade to trade,
and budget to budget. Having said that, we'll always have
vehicles to fix, and engineering tasks to fulfil, either of
these trades should offer you personal fulfilment, a chance
to travel and enjoy the military life. Keep us informed of
your final decision.
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